Saturday, January 19, 2013

It's my favorite inaugural event - will you commit to serve with me?

Michelle Obama
to me

Friend -- 

Four years ago, during his first inauguration, Barack and I were thrilled when thousands of Americans from every corner of the country took part in the National Day of Service honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

We were so excited because we knew that the celebrations weren't just about a new president, but about everything that we can accomplish together. And that starts with service.

So this year, as we prepare for another celebration, we're hoping to renew that spirit of service and citizenship -- we're calling on all Americans, including you, to volunteer in your community on Saturday, January 19th, for this year's Day of Service.

Please join us, and commit to serve on January 19th.

Throughout our lives, Barack and I have seen that building a full life isn't about what you can get for yourself -- but what you can give to those around you. It's a value that's been central to our lives together. And as parents, it's something we're trying every day to pass down to our girls.

This inauguration is only possible because of you and all your hard work. Barack and I are so grateful for you, and for everything you've done for us and for our country.

Pledge to join us for the Day of Service at an event near you:



P.S. -- When you commit to serve, you'll be automatically entered for the chance to come out to Washington, D.C. for Barack's inauguration -- flight and hotel covered.

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