Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Donate Today

Are you awake?

Julianna Smoot, BarackObama.com
to me 

Donna --

Do you know what this is? It's President Obama making his donation to the campaign, just in time for the big July deadline.


Join him now by donating $19 or more -- you still have a few hours until midnight your time.

Because you've saved your payment information, your donation will go through immediately:


Or donate another amount.

Need those links again? Because you've saved your payment information, your donation will go through immediately:

 -- QUICK DONATE: $100




Julianna Smoot
Deputy Campaign Manager
Obama for America

Campaign Store

Before midnight: 20% off

  Obama Store 2012
  to me


Why I Support Obama

Photo going around on Facebook

Obama for America
to me 

Donna --

Maybe you've seen this photo going around on Facebook -- one person's reasons for supporting President Obama.

We've all got our own reasons for supporting the President, and with less than 100 days to go, now's the time to show it.

Pitch in $19 or whatever you can before tonight's critical fundraising deadline.

Because you've saved your payment information, your donation will go through immediately:

In case you need them again..

Because you've saved your payment information, your donation will go through immediately:


Obama for America

This Deadline Matters

This deadline matters

Jen O'Malley Dillon, BarackObama.com
to me

Donna --

You're probably hearing a whole lot about our FEC fundraising deadline tomorrow.

Let me tell you why: Campaigns go into hyper speed after Labor Day in a two-month sprint to November 6th.

To prepare for that, we spend August hiring hundreds of organizers in key battleground states -- folks who take a pay cut and give up sleep and social lives to spend every waking moment knocking on doors, registering voters, making calls, and working with supporters like you to make sure we can effectively get out the vote

The work being done on the ground in the last months is going to decide the outcome of this election. And it'll only happen because of you.

That's why this deadline at midnight tomorrow matters. Our hiring decisions are based on what our budget looks like on August 1st.

This political climate is different from 2008 -- this race is stuffed to the brim with super PACs and special-interest groups trying to buy the election with a barrage of negative ads. It's up to us to prove that, even in these circumstances, a candidate can win a race the right way.

Your donation today could help hire that extra organizer in a state like Virginia or Florida -- the one who might make the 1,000 calls that ultimately swing this election.

Donate $25 today to make it happen:



Jen O'Malley Dillon
Deputy Campaign Manager
Obama for America

Friday, July 27, 2012

Sign Barack's Card

Michelle Obama 

  to me

Donna --

Barack's 51st birthday is coming up.

You'll be adding Donna, from California, alongside thousands of other supporters' names -- folks from all 50 states, from all different backgrounds. Together, all those names will be impressive -- they'll show the strength of this campaign and our support for Barack.

And I know he's going to love it.

Add your name today -- and then ask a friend to join you:

These last few months until Election Day won't be easy -- so let's show Barack we have his back every step of the way.

- Michelle

P.S: Everyone Sacramento / California / USA / Join me, sign President Barack Obama Birthday Card.  
Remember Our Hope and  Our Vision. 
"It Takes One"
Battle Grounders! 
~ Success2u ~

Thursday, July 26, 2012

2012 Presidential Election Campaign


Barack Obama
to me

Donna --

My upcoming birthday next week could be the last one I celebrate as President of the United States, but that's not up to me -- it's up to you.

This July deadline is our most urgent yet, coming after two consecutive months of being significantly outraised by Romney and the Republicans.

And if you pitch in $3 or whatever you can before midnight tonight, you and a guest will be automatically entered to join me at my birthday get-together next month:

Thanks. Hope I'll see you soon.

- Barack

My Birthday In Chicago

The Deadline For This Is Tonight

Obama for America
to me

Donna --

Last call: The President is heading home to 
Chicago for his birthday -- and you could join
him for the celebration.Last call: The President
is heading home to Chicago for his birthday -- 
and you could join him for the celebration.


Obama for America

Wednesday, July 25, 2012



Rufus Gifford
to me


Thanks so much for your donation.We've always
depended on supporters like you -- not special 
interests or Washington lobbyists -- for every
dollar we get. 
Your donation will be invested into
making this organization stronger - paying for new
offices, organizer trainings, and resources to 

support our hard-working staff and volunteers. 

You've been entered for the chance to join the
President at his birthday party in Chicago. And
for every donation you make today, we'll
automatically throw your name in the hat again.

Enter again:

Good luck! And thanks again for your support.

- Rufus

Rufus Gifford

National Finance Director
Obama for America

P.S. -- If you're not a part of QuickDonate yet, you
should know that you can donate to the campaign
with one click in 
emails, online, and via text
message. All you need to do is securely save your
payment information. It's worth it -- get 
started here:

*There may be a minor delay in the processing of 

your contribution as it will be subject to review.