Friday, August 31, 2012

Stand with me today

Barack Obama
to me
D. --

Last night, Mitt Romney officially accepted the Republican Party's nomination to challenge me -- and you -- in the general election on November 6th.

It's going to be a hard-fought battle. That's why I need you to stand with me before tonight's fundraising deadline. Chip in $3.

Because you've saved your payment

information, your donation will go 

through immediately:

After three straight months of being outraised, and recently being outspent -- in some key states more than 3 to 1 -- your support before the deadline couldn't be more urgent.

What we do right now will determine if we can knock on more doors, make more phone calls, and talk to more voters before November 6th.

I'm proud to be a part of a campaign like ours, but the only way it works is if each of us does our part.

Please make a donation of $3 before midnight:


In less than a week, I'll accept our party's nomination for president in Charlotte, and I know I wouldn't be there if it weren't for you.

Thank you for all you're doing.


Thank you for your donation

Rufus Gifford
to me

Thanks so much for your generous donation.

We've always depended on supporters like you -- not special interests or Washington lobbyists -- for every dollar we get. Your donation will be invested into making this organization stronger -- paying for new offices, organizer trainings, and resources to support our hard-working staff and volunteers.

Will you take the next step? Set up a weekly donation, an easy and effective way to sustain this organization in the time we've got left:

You can find other ways to get involved with this organization in your own community here:

Thanks again for your support,


Rufus Gifford
National Finance Director
Obama for America

P.S. -- If you're not a part of QuickDonate yet, you should know that you can donate to the campaign with one click in emails, online, and via text message. All you need to do is securely save your payment information. It's worth it -- get started here:

*There may be a minor delay in the processing of your contribution as it will be subject to review.


Rufus Gifford,
to me

I know, D..

I know it's a Friday night. I know the last thing you want is to get an email from me telling you about a fundraising deadline.

Think about it this way, though: If we don't win this election, you're probably going to look back on this Friday night and wish you hadn't ignored this email.

So don't.

Donate $3 before midnight.

Because you've saved your payment information, your donation will go through immediately:






Or donate another amount:
Happy Friday!


Rufus Gifford
National Finance Director
Obama for America

This could swing the election

Joe Biden
to me
D. --

If we win this election, it will be because of what you did in moments like this to help close the spending gap.

Because this is real: Just last week alone, Mitt Romney's campaign and his allies outspent our side by at least three to one in North Carolina, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Colorado, and Pennsylvania, all states we need to win.

That could swing the election -- but it doesn't have to.

Tomorrow is our biggest fundraising deadline so far. Will you make a donation of $3 today and help this campaign hang in there for the final two months?

Election Day is closer than you think. Because you've saved your payment information, your donation will go through immediately:

Tonight Mitt Romney will deliver a speech that millions of Americans will hear.

He's going to say a lot of things about Barack Obama, and belittle what we stand for.

When he does, remember the important role you play in the political process. Remember the kind of man our president is, and the tough choices he's had to make from that Oval Office.

Voters in some very important states are hearing distortions and lies from people who've invested a lot to see Barack Obama removed from the White House.

Fight back. Donate $3 and make sure your voice is heard just as loud:


We wouldn't be here without you. Thank you.


P.S. -- Deciding that the stakes are high enough to do our part isn't a November 6th decision. 
It's one I'm asking you to make right now, before tomorrow's big fundraising deadline.


Michelle Obama
to me
D. --

I've learned to shrug off what Barack's opponents say about him. We know who he really is: a wonderful father and leader who's in this because he wants to make a difference in people's lives.

But not everyone knows him as you and I do. And because of the nonstop negative ads the other side is running against him, we'll have to work even harder to remind folks who Barack really is.

Tonight's fundraising deadline is one of the most important we'll face together. I hope you'll take the chance to show you've got Barack's back -- chip in $3 before midnight.

Because you've saved your payment

information, your donation will go 

through immediately:

Campaigns are never easy, and we're lucky to have supporters like you by our side.

The other side is outspending us, and they're stepping up their attacks. But we'll be standing strong, thanks to the support of nearly 3 million people who are helping win this election the right way.

What we do between now and midnight is going to play a big part in making that happen, so please pitch in before then:


As always, thank you.


P.S. -- We can't allow our hard work on the ground to get canceled out by unlimited spending on negative TV ads.
 Before the midnight deadline, please strengthen this campaign with a donation of $3 or more.

Their night

Barack Obama
to me
D. --

Tonight is their night.

But our focus must be on tomorrow.

The fundraising deadline tomorrow is one of the last we get to build the campaign it takes to win.

Will you donate $3 right now?

Because you've saved your 

i nformation, your 

donation will go 

through immediately:

I'm proud to be on this team.

Let's go.


P.S. -- With 68 days to go, I'm counting on you to help us keep pace in spite of unprecedented spending on the other side. Pitch in before the big deadline tomorrow.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

What Paul Ryan said

Jim Messina,
to me
D. --

If you've seen any coverage of Paul Ryan's speech in Tampa, you know that the consensus among journalists and independent observers is that it was ... factually challenged.

He lied about Medicare. He lied about the Recovery Act. He lied about the deficit and debt. He even dishonestly attacked Barack Obama for the closing of a GM plant in his hometown of Janesville, Wisconsin -- a plant that closed in December 2008 under George W. Bush. He also failed to offer one constructive idea about what he would do to move the country forward.

Don't roll your eyes. We can't just groan and shrug and remark to our like-minded friends that this is ridiculous, because this is a significant moment in this campaign.

The fact that this speech, on this huge stage, is this blatantly false represents a huge bet by the Romney campaign -- they've decided that facts, truth and reality will not be a brake on their campaign message. And they just signaled to the extremist billionaires and corporate interests that support them that they should go ahead and spend their hundreds of millions of dollars attacking Barack Obama with whatever lies can work.

The only thing that can beat this back is you.

Because you've saved your payment information, your donation will go through immediately:

More soon.


Jim Messina
Campaign Manager
Obama for America