Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Donna, thank you.

Michelle Obama
to me

Donna --

I know your life is full -- with work, or school, or family -- and yet you still find the time to help out when you can.

You may have a tight budget, but you give what you can afford.

A woman recently told the campaign her family skipped a pizza dinner at their favorite place so that they could make a difference in this election.

That is the commitment that drives this campaign.

If you can support Barack with a donation today, please know it makes a huge difference. If we win, it will be because of what you did at moments like this.

Because you've saved your payment

information, your donation will go 

through immediately:

Or donate another amount:



P.S. -- It meant a lot to me to speak with you and everyone else last night. Thank you for everything you do.

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